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Friday, September 30, 2022

Essay on Lawyer In English - About Lawyer

Hello everyone, we will learn that how to write Essay on Lawyer In English.

Essay On Lawyer (200 Words)

Introduction: The person who fights for the justice of his client in the court is called a lawyer. A lawyer is also known as an advocate, solicitor and barrister.

Difference between Lawyer and Barrister: Lawyers and barristers are both individuals with law degrees. The only difference is that the person who gets a law degree while living in the home country is called a lawyer and the person who comes to his country after studying law from England and other countries is called a barrister.
Essay on Lawyer In English, Essay on Lawyer, About Lawyer
Uniform/Dress: A lawyer wears a black coat or black gown and white tie.

How to become a lawyer: To become a lawyer one has to study law. Law can be studied after 12th. You can become a lawyer by doing LLB course.

Lawyer’s work: A lawyer has to follow the constitution of India. According to the laws and rules laid down in the constitution, A lawyer fights a case in front of a judge in court to get justice for his client.

Conclusion: The profession of lawyer is full of challenges. The main duty of a lawyer is to protect the law while protecting the rights of his/her client.
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