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Friday, June 10, 2022

Essay on Gautam Buddha In English For School Students

Hello my friends we will learn that how to write Essay on Gautam Buddha In English For School Students.

Essay on Gautam Buddha (500 Words)

Gautam Buddha was a great man, who is considered to be an incarnation of God. Gautam Buddha is also known as Lord Buddha or Mahatma Buddha. His real or childhood name was Siddharth Gautam. He showed the whole world the path of peace and non-violence. Gautam Buddha had laid the foundation of Buddhism and Buddhism was promoted only on his teachings.
Picture: Gautam Buddha
Place of birth and introduction of parents:
Mahatma Gautama Buddha was born in Lumbini in 563 BC in the house of King Suddhodana. His mother's name was Mahamaya. His mother died 7 days after the birth of Mahatma Buddha. After his mother's death, Gautama Buddha was raised by his aunt Mahaprajapati Gautami, the younger sister of Gautama Buddha's mother. During his birth ceremony, the monk drasta Aasit announced that this child would become a great king or a great pious guide.

Gautama buddha was the son of a king, he had all the comforts of rest. Mahatma Gautama Buddha was the most different from all the other children since childhood. He went to Guru Vishwamitra and learned the Veda-Upanishad and adopted it in his life. Along with all these disciplines, he also got the education of war like: wrestling, horse racing, arrow-command, chariot driving etc. Gautam Buddha was very kind since childhood.

Marriage and Home sacrifice: -
Mahatma Gautam Buddha was married at the age of 16 to a girl named "Yashodhara". After marriage, they had a son named Rahul. Even after getting married and having a son, his heart was always sad to see the unhappy people. Finally, at the age of 29, Gautama Buddha left his wife, son and kingdom splendor (Rajya Vaibhav) and went to the forest in search of enlightenment.

Achievement of enlightenment / Acquiring enlightenment : -
Mahatma Buddha renounced the comforts of home for his peace of mind and started doing harsh austerities in the forest. He kept wandering from place to place to gain knowledge, yet his heart did not get peace. In the end, he got absorbed in meditation under a Ficus tree (Peepal tree) in Gaya. After hard penance, he attained enlightenment. After attaining enlightenment, he became "Lord Buddha" from Siddhartha Gautama. Gaya came to be known as "Bodhgaya" and the tree as "Bodhi Tree".

Promotion of Buddhism: -
Mahatma After attaining enlightenment under the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya, he gave his first sermon at Sarnath near Varanasi. In which he preached to the five sages. Then he gave religious sermons to his wife, son. Mahatma Buddha promoted the teachings of Buddhism in Kashi, Kosala, Magadha, Vajji Pradesh etc. Mahatma Buddha promoted feelings of non-violence, peace, kindness, love, sympathy, duty and loyalty to human society and his teachings had a profound impact on mankind. Buddhism was established due to these teachings of Gautama Buddha.

According to popular stories, Lord Gautama Buddha died due to eating poisonous food served by a person. His health deteriorated due to food poisoning and he died. Gautama Buddha died in 483 BC or 400 BC in Kushinagar, India. He was 80 years old at the time
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